Premium Modules  

Premium modules available to thirty bees supporters

There are 10 products.

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 items

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    The FAQ module for Thirty Bees allows easy addition of questions to product, category, or CMS pages. Input a question and answer, and it's ready for display, with SEO-optimized snippets included. This tool enhances your site's pages by making them more informative and search-engine friendly. It's free for members within eligible tiers of Thirty Bees...

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    Dynamically generate list of bulletpoints for your products

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    This module brings shortcode system into your thirty bees installation. You can now use shortcodes to add rich content into your pages. For example, you can create link to product using shortcode [product id=100] Link [/product] , and it will be automatically converted to HTML link. 

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    Purchases module will help you manage your inventory purchases. It calculates optimal inventory levels based on product demand, suppliers lead time, stock keeping costs and purchase order overhead

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    This module logs changes for your product and categories.

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    Achieve same final price for multi store products

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    Module to create dynamic lists of your products, categories or customers that matches given condition. Items will be automatically added or removed from the list when conditions are met

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    Simple module allows your customers to request account deletion from their front office. Merchants have the option to approve or reject the request. 

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    Adds input fields Profit, Margin and Markup into product price tab

  • Free
    0 Review(s) 

    This module will let you to set hreflang in multistore environment'

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 items